The Gayle Family Reunion was a smashing success!!! Those of our family who were not there.....we missed you!
Your very tired Family Reunion Coordinator.
Family Greeters and Reunion Committee members (Granddaughters of Ellen and Warner)
A special thank you goes out to everyone who contributed to make the weekend so successful!
A special thank you to our Reunion Host (son and daughter in law of Wilton and Mary)!
Thank you cousin for the beautiful banner.
Name That Tune winners!
Family Feud Winners !
The Matriarch of the Family!
The Son's of Ellen (Robena) and Warner (Wisconsin)
The Son's and Daughter of Martha (Alberta) and Richard (Warner)
The Children of Julia (Geraldine) and John (Edward).
Grandchildren of Martha (Alberta) and Richard (Warner)
Grandson of Ellen and Wilton (and his family)
The family's newest newlyweds
Mother to be of twins (you just never know when twins will show up in this family lol)
Cousins that traveled the farthest (California). We also had cousins in from Washington State that were not able to make it to the festivities on Saturday.
Grandma Hallie's namesake and her parent's.
A few of the great great great grandchildren of Peter and Hallie Gayle !
Homecoming Sunday at Union Zion BC Ware Neck Virginia. Special thanks goes out to Michael Smith for many of the photos featured here. We are not sure when the next Gayle Family reunion will take place (hopefully not five years again lol). But as soon as we know we will let you know!!! Blessings Family. For additional photos from the weekend please see our Family's Facebook page. Found here.